Data Caching

The data for the field table and for the Audit tab is generated during the instance scan. After the scan is completed, this data is cached, so you do not need to run the scan every time you open the field table or the Audit tab.

When you are on a page with cached data, you see an information icon and a data refresh button in the upper right corner. When you hover over the icon, a tooltip appears containing the age of the cache. As the cache ages, the icon changes color: it turns yellow 8 hours after the last update, and red after 20 hours.

After 24 hours, the cache is automatically reset, or you can reset it manually at any time by clicking on the refresh button.

The cache is global. That is, if one user launched a scan and thereby updated the cache, then all other users will see the data from this cache. If one user resets the cache, then it resets for everyone else.